- Mazroui, “Impact of implicit sarcastic trait detection on the quality of Arabic sentiment analysis systems“, The First International Workshop on Arabic Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (IWABigDAI) – Doha (Qatar), 11-12 May 2022.
- Berrichi S., Mazroui A. (2022) “The Impact of Word Segmentation Techniques on Neural and Statistical Machine Translation: English-Arabic Case“. In: Kacprzyk J., Balas V.E., Ezziyyani M. (eds) Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2020). AI2SD 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1417. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90633-7_38
- Touahri I., Mazroui A. (2022) “Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection Based on Transfer Learning“. In: Kacprzyk J., Balas V.E., Ezziyyani M. (eds) Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2020). AI2SD 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1418. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90639-9_24
- Belayachi and A. Mazroui, “Study of the evolution of the contemporary standard Arabic language lexicon “, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh (TICAM’2021), Rabat (Morocco), 22 November 2021.
- Touahri, I., Mazroui, A., “Evolution Team at CLEF2020 – CheckThat! lab: Integration of linguistic and sentimental features in a fake news detection approach“, CLEF 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2020.
- Touahri, I., Mazroui, A., “Construction of an accurate automatic lexicon for Arabic sentiment analysis“, International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA 2020), Rabat, Morocco, September, 2020.
- Berrichi, S., Mazroui, A., “Enhancing Machine Translation by Integrating Linguistic Knowledge in the Word Alignment Module“, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, (ISCV), June 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ISCV49265.2020.9204328.
- Mazroui diuyiyiu
- Touahri, I., Mazroui, A., “Multi-dialectal Arabic sentiment analysis“, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Industrial Applications (A2IA 2019), Meknes, Morocco, March, 2020.
- Berrichi, S., Mazroui, A., “Traduction automatique neuronale et statistique à faibles ressources : Étude de cas“, Mathematics and Computer Science Doctoral Day, February 2020, Oujda, Maroc.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Feature selection from an expanded Moroccan opinionated dataset“, International Conference on Linguistic Diversity and Natural Language Processing (DiLiTAL 2019), Oujda, Morocco, December, 16-17, 2019.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “Injecting linguistic features into Arabic-English Factored Translation Model“, International Conference on Linguistic Diversity and Natural Language Processing (DiLiTAL 2019), Oujda, Morocco, December, 16-17, 2019.
- Ababou and A. Mazroui, “Chunker de la langue arabe basé sur les règles de la grammaire classique“, International Conference on Linguistic Diversity and Natural Language Processing (DiLiTAL 2019), Oujda, Morocco, December, 16-17, 2019.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “Guiding word alignment with prior knowledge to improve English-Arabic Machine Translation”, The 4th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIoT’19), Tetouan, Morocco, 23-24 October 2019.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Corpus construction and annotation challenge for language identification and sentiment analysis“, Conference on Smart Information and Communication Technologies, Smart ICT 2019, Saidia, Morocco, September, 26-28, 2019.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Automatic Verification of Political Claims based on morphological features“, Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visualization, CLEF 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, September, 9-12, 2019.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “The Effectiveness of Cleaning and Splitting Sentence pairs in English-Arabic Machine Translation” International Conference in Advanced Technologies and Human Sciences, ICATHS 2019, Rabat, Morocco, July 25-26, 2019.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Automatic identification of Moroccan dialect“, International Conference in Advanced Technologies and Human Sciences, ICATHS 2019, Rabat, Morocco, July 25-26, 2019.
- Ababou, A. Mazroui, R. Belhbib, “Un analyseur syntaxique guidé par les contraintes de la grammaire traditionnelle”, Journée d’étude Analyse syntaxique automatique de l’arabe : état de l’art et perspectives“, Rabat (Morocco), 25 April 2019.
- Mazroui, “Ambiguity in Arabic text mining: challenges and solutions“, The fifth International Conference on computer Business Intelligence –CB19-, Béni Mellal (Morocco), 17-19 April 2019.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Arabic sentiment classification using POS Tagger and SVM“, The eighth edition of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh (TICAM’2018), Rabat (Morocco), 26-27 November 2018.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “Improving English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation using the linguistic knowledge on data “, The eighth edition of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh (TICAM’2018), Rabat (Morocco), 26-27 November 2018.
- Mazroui, “Récupération des signes diacritiques dans les textes arabes et applications“, Workshop sur Les Bases de Données Acoustiques de l’Arabe : Réalisations & Applications, Algiers (Algeria), 10 November 2018.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Approche supervisée et non supervisée pour la classification des sentiments en langue arabe “, The Third National Symposium On Arabic Language Engineering (JDILA’2018), Casablanca (Morocco), 01 November 2018.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “Alignement manuel des mots d’un corpus parallèle anglais-arabe” “, The Third National Symposium On Arabic Language Engineering (JDILA’2018), Casablanca (Morocco), 01 November 2018.
- Touahri and A. Mazroui, “Opinion and sentiment polarity detection using supervised machine learning“, The 3rd IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing: Models, Systems, Data and Applications” (IEEE MNLP-CiSt’18), 21-24 October, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Berrichi and A. Mazroui, “Benefits of morphosyntactic features on English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation“, The 3rd IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing: Models, Systems, Data and Applications” (IEEE MNLP-CiSt’18), 21-24 October, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, ” Improving the Arabic root extraction by using the quadratic splines“, proceeding of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV 2018), 2-4 April 2018, Fez, Morocco.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, “Arabic root extraction using continuous quadratic splines“, proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing (ICALP 2017), October 11th – 12th 2017, Fez, Morocco.
- Ababou, A. Mazroui, “Classical Grammar and Context Free Grammar to Parse Arabic Nominal Sentences”, proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing (ICALP 2017), October 11th – 12th 2017, Fez, Morocco.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, “Morphological disambiguation of Arabic texts by quadratic splines“, proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Oujda, (Morocco), May 17-20, 2017.
- Mhamdi, A. Mazroui, “Multifont Arabic Character Recognition Using Bézier Curves and Hidden Markov Models“, proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Oujda, (Morocco), May 17-20, 2017.
- Zeroual, I., Boudchiche, M., Mazroui, A., Lakhouaja, A., “Developing and performance evaluation of a new Arabic heavy/light stemmer“, In: Proceedings of the second International Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications, Tetuan, (Morocco), March 29-30, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4852-2. DOI: 1145/3090354.3090371
- Mazroui, “Contributions and limits of NLP tools relative to Big Data“, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh, 28-29 November 2016, Rabat, Morocco.
- Mazroui, “Morphological disambiguation of Arabic language“, International Workshop on Arabic Linguistics and Digital Humanities, 17-18 November 2016, Roma Tre University, Italy.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, “Approche hybride pour le développement d’un lemmatiseur pour la langue arabe“, 13th African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI’2016), 11th-14th October 2016, Tunis, Tunisia.
- Boudchiche, , Mazroui, A., Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, M., Lakhouaja, A., Boudlal, A., “AlKhalil Morpho Sys II: A robust Arabic morpho-syntactic analyzer”, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology for Organization Development, Fez, Morocco, March 30 – April 1st, 2016.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, “Evaluation of the Ambiguity Caused by the Absence of Diacritical Marks in Arabic Texts: Statistical Study“, in 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, 21-23 December 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, “Enrichissement du corpus Nemlar par l’étiquette lexicale lemme“, Journée d’étude “Ressources langagières de l’arabe pour le TAL : construction, standardisation, gestion et exploitation”, 26 Novembre 2015, Rabat, Maroc.
- Zeroual, M. Boudchiche, A. Mazroui, A. Lakhouaja, “Improving Arabic light stemming algorithm using linguistic resources“, Second national day of Arabic language engineering (JDILA’2015), Fez (Morocco), 28-29 October 2015.
- Mazroui, ” The importance of research, development and innovation for the development of the digital Arabic content: Automatic Translation as sample“, Third Regional Forum on Digital Arabic Content: Arabic Content in the Age of Major Digital Transformations, 19-20 October 2015 in Dubai, UAE.
- Mazroui, N. Ababou, “A Morphological Analysis and Smoothing Techniques to Improve a Statistical POS Tagger for Arabic Language “, proceeding of the 15th International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’14), 09-11 December 2014, Nizwa, Soltanat Oman.
- Mazroui, Aissa Kerkour El Miad, ” Bézier curves to recognize multi-font Arabic isolated characters “, proceeding of the 15th International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’14), 09-11 December 2014, Nizwa, Soltanat Oman.
- Mazroui, A. Chennoufi, “Méthodes de lissage d’une approche morpho-statistique pour la voyellation automatique des textes arabes“, proceeding du 21ème Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Marseille, 01-04 juillet 2014 (TALN 2014), pp. 443-448.
- Mazroui, N. Ababou, “Etiquetage morphosyntaxique automatique de la langue arabe“, proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Théories and Applications (SITA’14), 07-08 May 2014, Rabat, Morocco.
- Reqass, A. Lakhouaja, A. Mazroui, I. ATIH, “Amélioration du Dictionnaire Interactif de la Langue Arabe“, proceeding of the 9th International Conférence on Intelligent Systems: Théories and Applications (SITA’14), 07-08 May 2014, Rabat, Morocco.
- Mazroui, M. Boudchiche, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Lakhouaja, “The morphological analyzer Alkhalil Morpho Sys2“, First national day of Arabic language engineering (JDILA’2014), Rabat (Morocco), February 2014.
- Mazroui, N. Ababou, “Morphosyntactic tagging of Arabic Language“, First national day of Arabic language engineering (JDILA’2014), Rabat (Morocco), February 2014.
- Mazroui, A. Chennoufi, “Towards an automatic diacritizer of Arabic classical texts“, First national day of Arabic language engineering (JDILA’2014), Rabat (Morocco), February 2014
- Mazroui, “About employment morphological analysis systems for industrial purposes lexical“, Workshop on computational techniques in the service of the historical dictionary of the Arabic language, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha (Qatar), September 21-22, 2013.
- Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Mazroui, A. Lakhouaja, A. Chennoufi, “Approche morpho-statistique pour la voyellation automatique des textes arabes“, proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, Rabat (Morocco), May 08-09 2013.
- Mazroui, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Lakhouaja, M. Reqass, “Computer programs used in the construction and management of lexical corpuses: Evaluation Study“, Experts’ conference on historical dictionary of the Arabic language, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, November 10-11, 2012.
- Lakhouaja, M. Reqass, A. Mazroui, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, “Computer design for form and the Code and the Observatory“, Experts’ conference on historical dictionary of the Arabic language, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, November 10-11, 2012.
- Mazroui, A. Meziane, “language of instruction and development: statistical study“, proceeding of the International Conference on Student and training assessment in higher education: models in use and key challenges, Oujda (Morocco), April 24-25, 2012.
- Mazroui, L. Roubi, A. Kaaouachi, M. Belkasmi, “Profile of graduates of the University of Mohammed First: The first results of the survey GrInsA“, proceeding of the International Conference on Student and training assessment in higher education: models in use and key challenges, Oujda (Morocco), April 24-25, 2012.
- Mazroui, Aissa Kerkour El Miad, “A system for Arabic handwritten digit recognition”, proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, Saidia (Morocco), May 23-26, 2011.
- Mazroui, Aissa Kerkour El Miad, “Handwritten Arabic characters modeling by Bézier curves for recognition”, proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modeling in Environment and Natural Resources, Saidia (Morocco), May 23-26, 2011.
- Mazroui, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Boudlal, “A morpho-statistical approach for automatic diacritization of Arabic texts“, proceeding of the “6th International Computing Conference in Arabic Information Technology”, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), 31 May-2 June 2011.
- Mazroui, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Boudlal, M. Shoul, “Alkhalil Morpho Sys1“, proceeding of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology, Benghazi (Libya), 14-16 December 2010.
- Mazroui, A. Meziane, “a statistical study on the relationship between language of teaching, national languages and development“, proceeding of the 8th Pedagogical days: language of teaching and teaching languages, Marrakech (Morocco), 24-25 November 2010.
- Mazroui, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, A. Boudlal, M. Shoul, “Alkhalil Morpho Sys“, proceeding of the 6th International Computing Conference in Arabic Information Technology, Hammamat (Tunisie), 19-21 May 2010.
- Mazroui, M. Lamnii, A. Tijini, “Blossoms to raising the degree of multivariate approximation“, proceeding of the New trends in approximation, Oujda, (Morocco) 27-28 October 2009.
- Mazroui, M. Lamnii, A. Tijini, “C1 spline quasi-interpolant of degree ≥ 2 based on a quadratic box-spline defined on a uniform criss-cross partition“, proceeding of the New trends in approximation, Oujda, (Morocco) 27-28 October 2009.
- Mazroui, A. Boudlal, R. Belhbib, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, “markovian An approach for Arabic root extraction“, proceeding of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology, Hammamat (Tunisie), 16-18 December 2008.
- Mazroui, A. Boudlal, R. Belhbib, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, “A Morphological Analyzer for Unvoweled Arabic Words“, proceeding of the Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium (ICTIS’07), Fez (Morocco) 3-5 April 2007.
- Mazroui, A. Mraoui, D. Sbibih, A. Tijini, “A new method for smoothing curves and surfaces and applications“, proceeding of The First International Conference of Mathematics, Aleppo (Syria), 19-21 December 2006.
- Mazroui, A. Boudlal, R. Belhbib, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, M. Ould Abdallahi Ould Bebah, “Développement d’un analyseur morphologique des mots arabes non voyellés“, Actes du Colloque International sur l’Informatique et ses Applications IA2006, Oujda 2006, pp 293-297.
- Mazroui, A. Boudlal, A. Lakhouaja, A. Meziane, A. Serghini, “Réalisation d’un conjugueur automatique des verbes arabes“, Actes du Colloque Arabic Language Processing JETALA 2006, Rabat 2006, pp 97-103.
- Mazroui, D. Sbibih, “Existance et construction de B-splines à support simple sur des schémas à trois directions“, in proceedings of the de Sixième Journées d’analyse Numérique et Optimisation, Casablanca, Mars 2000.
- Mazroui, D. Sbibih, “Construction de B-splines à support régulier“, in proceeding of: Premières Journées Internationales sur les Méthodes Numériques Appliquées à l’Ingenierie, Fes, Octobre 1999.
- Mazroui, D. Sbibih, “Etude de quelques espaces de fonctions splines“, in proceeding of: Vème Journées d’Analyse Numérique et Optimisation, Kenitra, Avril 1998.
- Mazroui, D. Sbibih, “Un algorithme de calcul des B-splines à deux variables sur une triangulation uniforme du plan“, in proceeding of: Premières Journées sur le Parallélisme, Oujda, Novembre 1996.
- A. Mazroui, P. Priouret, “Etude des modèles de régression à paramètre dépendant du temps“, in proceeding of: Premières Journées de Mathématiques appliquées. Rabat, Juillet 1992.
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